
Accommodation categories
Every guest has different comfort needs and available funds. To please everybody we do offer different accommodation options with all our tours. Apart from the accommodation the tours are identical.
We use a cross-section of accommodation styles available in Tasmania, like bed & breakfast houses, motels, apartments, cottages, country hotels, etc. However, we prefer small, privately owned places with a personal touch. Some have only 3 guest rooms.
In order to find outstanding places in each category we have spend a lot of time and money. For this reason we do not reveal the name of the places we are using before the booking, only what you can expect. Be assured, we will only use place were we would stay by ourself (and in most cases already have). We make sure our guests are never getting not less comfort then they have paid for, quite often more. Our guests regularly report back to us they were pleasantly surprised about our choice.
Tip: if uncertain what accommodation category is best for you, we advise you to book the better category in order to avoid disappointment. This is particularly true if you have not travelled in Australia before as the standard here is lower than in Europe or other places. In general, accommodation is quite expensive in Tasmania if compared internationally.
Please keep in mind, the difference between categories does vary depending on location. At some locations some categories may not be available and guests of several categories are staying in the same hotel, either in the same or in different room styles. Depending on the category, guests may have to prepare the breakfast by themselves, but usually the food is supplied (except hostel category).
Please note, some categories may not be offered on curtain tours.
Executive category
This category is for guests who like to add luxury to comfort. In most cases guests in this category will stay in the same hotels as those of our comfort category, but usually in a better room and / or with even better breakfast. However, in some locations they will stay in quite exclusive resorts or hotels. These few places are responsible for most of the price difference. Of course all rooms have shower/toilet.
Comfort category
This category is designed for guests who like comfort but don't need pure luxury. We have selected 'feel-good' places, many of them have a 4-star rating. They are all different but have some kind of special flair. All rooms have shower/toilet apart from very rare exceptions. Typically there is a gourmet breakfast served.
Economy category
This category is ideal for guests who do not require a high accommodation standard. Many of the properties have a 3-star standard and are frequently used by locals. The facilities are often relatively simple and not necessarily modern, but clean and have a certain charm. Altogether very good value for money. It is not uncommon guests have to prepare breakfasts by themselves, but the food is usually provided.
Hostel / Budget category
This category is for guests who don't mind to share a room with others. You will stay in hostels / backpackers in a dormitory (meaning a room shared with other guests). In some properties only mixed dorms are available. There are only shared facilities. You can not expect to have everything sparkling clean. Bed linen will be supplied but towels may not, so please bring your own. You will have to prepare your breakfast by yourself. On group tours we will supply the food, on a self-guided tour you have to use your own food.
In locations where no hostel is available you will stay in a basic hotel or motel in your own room (either economy or budget style). These rooms can be very basic and also quite small. Breakfast is usually supplied. Please note, if you are travelling alone you have to pay the listed single supplement for the nights you have your own room.